Sunday, February 10, 2008

Colour Exploration

I was looking forward to doing the English Patchwork/Colour Exploration activity as soon as I saw it. I chose a photo by TIO, a New York photographer. He has kindly allowed me to use his vibrant image of a Santeria dancer. (I only know him as TIO.) This is the link to his picture.
Objective: Observe and note colour gradations, patterns, textures, accent colours and proportions of colour in an image that has strong appeal.
Colour Observations: Yellow was predominantly warm (some red) with a small proportion of chartreuse (yellow with a smidge of its complement (violet). The chartreuse lifted the vibrant warm yellow even more. Blue-violet gradations are in the scarf. The head wrap was a mix of blues: blue tinted with white (highlights) and a lesser amount of blue shaded with black for the folds. The skin was where the challenge lay. Red/brown highlights. Green/brown shadows. Black brown heading to black in the darkest area.
Pattern: There are no strongly patterned areas. The texture relies on shadows and highlights. The skin has many nuances and colour changes in a small area.
Fabric Abstraction: Initially I followed the pencil crayon abstraction in selecting the fabric, but found I was loosing the life and vibrancy that attracted me to the image. The picture became my colour reference…for a while. At some point I abandoned the picture and responded to the dynamics of the fabric as more pieces were added. I tried adding the accent colours, the whites of the eyes, the lips, and the ear ring but found they were too representational for this abstract. I see in the picture that a few pieces are upstaging the others and the black is quite harsh in the corner. At this point I am leaving the pieces as is and starting in on the hand piecing.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

CQA Cheques are in the Mail!

Reeds Reflect (closeup)
In the final minutes of our Fabricator meeting, there was a suggestion to submit our “Renditions of RE:” group challenge quilts to the 2008 CQA show in St. John’s NL. There are a few of us that have not put our toes into these waters (juried shows that is). There have been prods in the past to give life to our work by entering shows. I just haven’t. Until now. I started going through the motions of filling in forms, and writing Artist’s statements. The result is that I am submitting entry forms for 2 wall quilts: ‘Kiwi Jewel’ and ‘Reeds Reflect’. Full view, straight on photographs of true colour are elusive! Too say nothing of getting true blues on a print. Thank goodness for Photoshop and the ‘Correct Camera Distortion' feature!
Everything is ready to slip into the bubble wrap and mail today. It is out of my hands now. Will I cry if I’m rejected? Unlikely. I feel quite detached from the completed pieces. I will be annoyed that I threw $50.00 away. OK, OK... I'll admit to disappointment too!
Reeds Reflect 21"x27.5"
Silk scarf for the water. Velvet reeds. Foil meniscus. Satin leaves.
Inspired by 'Diamond Blue' a photo by Frank Weston. Used with permission.